Women's Entrepreneurship Development

Training and transformative solutions

Trainings and other support services can equip women with the skills, competencies and resources they need to start and manage a business, and to take advantage of emerging market opportunities. They can be important tools in enhancing women’s business know-how, agency, and confidence, or assist women in managing competing priorities and responsibilities, and can be particularly impactful when they are designed to cater to women’s needs and circumstances, are offered as part of bundled services and within the framework of holistic intervention models.

Over the years, the ILO has supported the development and roll-out of support services tailored for women entrepreneurs, including training, coaching, mentoring, peer support programmes and care services. Drawing on evidence of what works to effectively promote women's entrepreneurship development ensures that these services are impactful and specifically tailored to empower women in business. 

Key resources

GET Ahead Resources

GET Ahead Resources

Improve Your Exhibiting Skills: A Training Guide (IYES)

Improve Your Exhibiting Skills: A Training Guide (IYES)

A Simplified Guide for Micro and Small-Scale Women Cross Border Traders and Service Providers within the East African Community

A Simplified Guide for Micro and Small-Scale Women Cross Border Traders and Service Providers within the East African Community

See also

Women's Entrepreneurship Development

Women's Entrepreneurship Development