ILO Helpdesk for Business

Country information hub

8 February 2023

In order to inform their human rights due diligence processes, enterprises can access ILO databases/web pages providing country information on different labour rights.

Country profile (NORMLEX) includes information on:

  • national labour law
  • ratification of international labour standards
  • country situation on reporting obligations
  • examination of cases by the supervisory bodies
  • observations made by employers' and workers' organizations in relation to Art. 23 of the ILO Constitution
  • complaints procedures

Child labour – prevalence by country

Forced labour – country profiles
The country profiles of the Forced labour Observatory provide information on international and national legal and institutional frameworks, enforcement, prevention, protection, access to justice, remedies, and cooperation. 

Freedom of association and collective bargaining – country profiles
IRdata is an industrial relations database that presents statistics on trade union density and collective bargaining coverage rates.

Occupational safety and health – country profiles
The OSH profiles summarize information regarding the relevant legislation, the infrastructure and resources and the situation regarding occupational accidents and diseases.

Wages and working time – country profiles
Includes information on monthly minimum wage in local currency, average monthly earnings of employees, local currency and average weekly hours worked per employed person.